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Gary Ross is an Emmy-nominated former broadcast journalist and communications executive. He's trained comms professionals, and now he's also working with people throughout the business world to help them inform, persuade and connect with others more meaningfully and efficiently.

Workplace communications training

Live session topics include:

  • Writing and Speaking

    Do your e-mails go unopened? Do people tune out when you speak? Learn how to break through clutter and get your point across clearly and concisely.

  • Leading Difficult Conversations

    No one likes them, but difficult conversations are a fact of life at work. Get a roadmap for having a tough talk so you can prepare, get the job done and emerge with everyone's dignity and respect intact.

  • Getting Rid of Filler Words

    Sometimes, you know, filler words can, like, get in the way of, um, communicating. Understand why you use filler words and learn ways to minimize them.

E-learning library

Used by communications pros, our 11 courses can help anyone be a better communicator. All-Access Passes and team discounts available. And...any e-learning course can be delivered live!